Our Discord server got banned.


Aren’t muslims called barbaric? Do you live under a rock?

Only reading a few paragraphs won’t do anything. Read that full article. You guys claim to be so “open minded” and be self proclaimed intellectuals. If you could read that article fully with unbiased mind you would understand what that happened and why they had to marry and consumate early for their own survival. There is even a thought experiment regarding you guys in that article. Do your part and read it with an open mind you claim to have. Before reading it, try to you know, be mature too.

Idk about you but Aisha (ra) was more mature than you ever will be.

After your reply, everything I said on that paragraph I wrote is basically true. You don’t want to read it? Fine. Then don’t go looking for attention on muslim subs and spam random stuff in their comments.

And you claim to hate him for being a “pdo”. Guess what, according to the standards of a hypothetical future where age of consent is increased as life expectancy increased a lot. 23 being the age of consent, a 20 year old can’t have any relationship with 25 year old. But you don’t have any problem with that now. So you are one too!

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