[PC][META] Giveaway No.3!!! Certified Chakrams & MKII!

Bring a free to play player is difficult in trading. I have to recurve crates to trade for keys and it's a lot of work. But, oh, it must've been about 2 or 3 weeks ago since I last got a crate from someone. You see, we had set up a trade some something very simple, I had a few toppers and a trail he wanted and in return he gave me a c2 crate (which I used to trade). We decide a time and we join groups and initiate the trade. This guy's car is insane. Dominic GT, with labyrinth tier decal and the painted photon wheels to match his car. It was crazy. We do the trade and he says he's got something else to offer and throws up some lightning wheels. Me, someone who doesn't have anything, really wants those lightning wheels, so I message him and ask, "what do you want for those wheels?". He responds with "... Ima need about tree fiddy". It was at this point I realized his car wasn't a Dominic GT all decked out, but a huge creature, this giant crustacean from the Paleolithic era on wheels. I says to it "I ain't givin' you no tree-fitty, you goddamn Loch Ness Monster! Go trade someone else and get your money!" I ended up leaving the trade and only got the crate. With which I got nothing from.

/r/RocketLeagueExchange Thread