Why "Perception" is NF's WORST album

You are focusing on only a single facet of a music/music-taste, and that's song subject matter. There's so many other facets to music/music-taste that you completely ignore. Perception is by far his best album as far as production quality goes. Not only that, but you're basically saying a certain topic you don't like is a negative. When that's subjective and could be a positive for many people or when viewed under a different light.

You're also pigeon-holing him by not allowing his career to be a venue for him to have legitimate experiences to talk about.

This feels like just an under cover video to judge Nate for rapping like a rapper. Rap has always been a scene where you can fight without fighting, that's what rap was built on.

I feel like you want Nate to remove a part of who he is, I feel like you want the genre to remove part of its identity, and I feel like you're making big claims based on a small part of what the music is as a whole. And using your own personal opinion to do it as a cover.

Perception is not NF's WORST album, but this is the WORST "fan" commentary I've seen on this subreddit.

/r/nfrealmusic Thread Link - youtu.be