Today I Lost 50 LP in 2 Games

Oce: unfurL

Look at my last 10 losses. 8 out of 10 of the losses I had two teammates gapped so hard that the game was unplayable. Most of the time it’s my top and my jg. Sometimes it’s my top and my mid, but almost always my top.

One out of the 10 that my lane got gapped I had a support that just turned level 30 and played their first and only ranked game. I could have played it better but top got hard gapped and with the new support player I was mentally checked out of that one. The other 1 out of 10 where I had a bad score on Varus, it was entire team gap, top and jg gapped harder than me anyways, game woulda been unwinnable even if I played well.

So there you go. 8 out my last 10 the feeding was so bad it was unplayable. 2 out of the 10 I should have played better but likely lost anyways due to teammates also feeding to a point that even if I played well it woulda been unplayable. None of those games were winnable unless I’m a challenger adc just shit stomping my enemy laner every game.

And even some of the games I won, my teammates were feeding but we were able to overcome it.

But yea about 16-17 out of my last 20 have been all feeding teammates. Funny enough right before I got to gold, and every time that happened last season the same shot happened. I get to S1 and the game gives me these teammates.

I understand that sometimes you get feeding teammates. I get them nearly every single game. Not one game in my last 15+ can I honestly say that my 4 randoms were better than the enemy 4 randoms, and that if I was simply lobbied onto the other team I would have won every single one of them.

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