is it possible to grow northern lights auto outdoors in a place with weather like this for the next 3 months. Any tips to combat mold and mildew issues?

Autos are great you dnt need to flip. Yes photoperiod yield more but dnt knock autos if you grow them well

First weeks up to flower(pistils showing) between 65% to 70% humidity and dnt go lower than 20 degreesc temp. Use a monkey fan or air ram fan which oscillate. Feed moderate A & B nitrogen and if In coco always add calmag

Once it flowers drop the a(nitrogen) and increase potassium and phosphorous. Lower humidity gradually reaching about 50% and temp 20c add sugars or a boost 1 week before your ready to chop flush it plain water or whatever works for you terpinator is good shit. and drop your ppms as low as possible until the plant starts to autumn, colour of leaves go browingish yellow good signs You want clear and clean water when you cut and lowest ppms so everything is flushed and clean.

I've found fastbud seeds to be working very very good for me especially the barney's range

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