Priceless reaction

Everyone knows what MDMA is. It’s a relatively short-term high with a longer (and sometimes unbearable) comedown. How about finding real happiness? You know like enjoying the world sober; learning how to marvel at the small things in life and be comfortable in your own skin. Drugs aren’t a replacement for that- I’ve been there and done that, over and over again. Unfortunately, just taking a substance won’t magically fix you as that’s on you. So to call MDMA “happiness” is erroneous. It’s a brief state of euphoria that may be able to help you open up in a therapeutic situation but just taking it the way most people do I would hardly call it “happiness”. Happiness should be organic, a state that stays with you throughout your day. Not a contrived stimulation of neuro-chemicals which might do damage in the long-term. If you’re not doing so good you need to try and not find “happiness” in this manner (speaking as a recovering alcoholic/habitual drug usher) but rather, you should reach out to people and talk about it because that’s the only way it’ll begin to get better. It’s a long road, but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Trying to create the light, however, won’t work.

Also it is dangerous to tell anyone they should do any drug. You don’t know this person (they may have already done MD for all you know) but how do you know they aren’t going to have an adverse reaction? It happens more than you’d think. Power stimulants like MDMA can be highly dangerous if not taken sensibly and, honestly, taking them because an internet stranger told you to is hardly sensible.

I’ve gone on a bit of a tangent here but I think it’s important to say I don’t think drugs are bad. In my opinion they aren’t it’s just how people use them and even if they use them it’s not bad if they abuse them- they just need help. What I’m saying is how about just let people enjoy finding happiness through enjoying the “small things”? You don’t come across as cool when you try to preach the gospel of MDMA, you just come across as sort of a dick.

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