The psychotic obssession with Mikes personal life amongst you fags is hilarious.

Think about the levels at which Mike is hyper focused on the lives of those he covers. Think about the depths he has gone to in exposing and making fun of somebody over months if not years. For over a decade Mike has obsessed over the subjects of his attention and created a show around it with an audience who have done the exact same. And every time, Mike's 'victims' would say how obsessed, sad and pathetic Mike and his fans were for caring this much.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and look at what's happening. Suddenly Mike is saying his wife is basically being raped. He and his fans call those in here virgins and incels. They call this place a hate reddit. Mike and the BBG are acting the exact same way as every single fool and their following. Show some fucking self awareness for God's sake.

/r/redbar Thread