Ranked/Online is not making it easy for me to love this game as much as I want to. And I want to so badly.

Fuck ranked mode, I also used to be upset with ranked (bad lag, poor matchmaking, waiting time, people who don't re-match, try hard idiot teabagging...etc) so I can definitely relate.

You know what? I've started hosting my own lobby. Yes, I know, lobbies in this game are definitely lacking but in the end it's just way more fun. What I do is either create a 2 or 3 man lobby (more than 3 man is a giant a waste of time don't do it). It usually takes 2-3 minutes to fill up (probably less if you're on console) and from there it's just non-stop fighting which is already much better then ranked queue. When you're hosting your own mini lobby, you can kick WiFi warrior, laggy people and tryhard teabagger. I've also learned so much more while hosting a lobby because I can constantly play all kind of people and matchup. Yesterday I've played 3 hours straight against a Taki player (he was rank E something, I'm G4, lol) even though he was kicking my ass I've learned so much about this matchup that I'm now 100% more comfortable against Taki player....that's just something that could not have happened in ranked due to the stupid re-match constraint. Like, holy shit how many times have I lost a match in ranked just for the other player to deny me a re-match out of pure spit? Fuck ranked.

Finally, if your on PC, join the PC Matchmaking channel on the official discord, from there you can post your lobby with what you want (practice, specific matchup..etc) and people are usually quick to join and help. I don't know if there's such a thing for console, but probably.

/r/SoulCalibur Thread