Why is there not a single post about actual gameplay discussion on the front page?

People made a party game for kids into a competitive game.

I'd say people are just stoked they don't have to spend money for DLC costumes because they can just make what they want.

There are plenty of people try-harding this on ranked mode. If you like SC games, don't hold off just b/c no one here is talking frame data and tournament results. Hell, all the IJ2 subreddit is basically only about the different costumes/gear for those characters and that game was in EVO 2018.

For my take, the menus load quick, the game plays like old SC games, and the roster has everyone I'd like to see. I'm having a blast playing with friends and once I get some hours under my belt I'll hop on ranked and lose my ass off there.

/r/SoulCalibur Thread Parent