Realistic price in 2 - 3 years time?

Based on [Zach Herbert's article], ( all the exchanges are using circulating supply. As long as the circulating supply, and total supply is not calculated, you have price increases where Ripple which has a 100 trillion cap going from 0.6 cents to 15 cents. So the price of Sia with a 85% increase in 5 years (52 trillion cap) will need popularity in order to increase in price. As we have seen with the previous bubble in May and June it is possible for Sia to skyrocket but Sia will need at least some major adoption by market or corporation. If there are news of Sia cooperating with any of the Silicon Valley companies then it is a good chance that it will achieve at least half the growth of Ripple. In this case 2 to 5 cents should be achievable on early news and more than 10 cents on actual infrastructure usage. However for the near future it looks bearish as BCH, NEO, and IOTA are capturing investor attention as short term investors are interested in quick get rich.

/r/siatrader Thread