Received this from someone - any idea what it says?

Acronyms! That must be it!

I am not sure why they chose the last letter of each word for the middle passage, but that seems right. I found 'lamed kaf yod' is the first letter of each Hebrew word for the verse in Genesis 49:18... "I await your deliverance, O Lord", sometimes translated as "I await your salvation, Lord".

I scoured Bible passages, and it took me a long time, but I think I finally found the last one in Lamentations 3:25. However, it /might/ be out of order. It starts with "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him...". This fits the context of waiting on the Lord, but in Hebrew does not have a matching order in many modern translations (it uses 'lamed yod tet' for those words). However, in an older translation it has a matching order, there it has words starting with 'lamed tet yod', so I think that must be it. That is recorded here:

While I am not sure which order is really correct, it does seem to me like it is a prayer in shorthand. It reflects on waiting on the Lord for salvation, then recounts the beginning of Genesis - an act of creation out of chaos, and finally calls to mind God's goodness (and again, having patience).

Now that many of us are in quarantine with not much to do, myself included, and things are so chaotic in the world... it is such a fitting time to contemplate waiting on the Lord for salvation!

My thanks to all who offered their insight to help discover the meaning, even if they were found to be acronyms instead of words.

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