Without Uber or Lyft, Austin Experiences Skyrocketing DUI Rates

Are the fines incurred for driving under the influence really a racket? People who do that put all of us in mortal danger because of their own failures to act like responsible adults. They do it to themselves and to the rest of us. The cops don't make them get drunk, and the cops don't force them to go out to drink so that they'd have to travel afterwards. Hell, I'm a raging alcoholic ever since the war yet I've never once in all these years turned the key in a vehicle after having had so much as a beer. That's because I've got at least a shred of discipline and put value on human life. The people who turn that key while drunk; they've got something wrong with them even when sober and they deserve to have the hammer brought down on them. Fuck'em. They get to pay into the community chest.

They could have stayed home and gotten drunk. They could have planned further ahead or not drank at all. Instead they failed completely to act like adults and put the rest of us at risk. Why should I feel even a single shred of sympathy for them getting caught when they could have wised up at any step along the way and not put us all at risk? They are terrible people and they get what is coming to them.

You can pour a fifth of vodka into me and I still won't get behind that wheel. Last year I did four hits of LSD while drinking heavily, yet even at the peak of mind-shredding weirdness and ego death I still knew not to take the car out for a spin no matter what, as if it were a rule seared into my brain that simply could not be overridden by any means. So what the fuck has anyone else got as an excuse when they get caught and nailed for what they've done?

I'm not special. I'm just some broke vet with a fractured mind and a load of concussions. What possible defense can all these perfectly normal people have for the things they do when someone as fucked up as myself knows better? The answer is 'none'. They deserve what they get and more. Fuck'em, and shame on you for excusing their behavior like this was some kind of racket they had no hand in. When it comes to cops and drunk drivers I'll always root for the cops.

Fuck those kinds of people. It's no racket when they get caught and nailed for what they've done.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - fee.org