Father who watched his daughter die, on abortion.

Okay, you know what? I'm so sorry to do this, I really am, but I have to:

how dare you?

I tried so hard to have a civil conversation, and I thought it was okay that we could disagree but still explain our points. I was a bit naive. You are treating people horribly.

Except of course OP is lying and you fell for it. Don't mind me though. Look up the disease that killed his daughter. Explain to me logically how a child's head bursts? How does that work again?

Honestly, look at what you're saying. You didn't say, "There's a possibility that this isn't true", which wouldn't be a horrible thing. But what you've just said is, "this man goes against my beliefs and I can't think of a reason to disagree with him, so he's a liar." I'm sorry sir, but that's absolutely disgusting.

People aren't ending arguments with you because you're always right, it's because you refuse to acknowledge anything that says you may be wrong. I acknowledged your concerns in your conversations, and you dismissed mine and treated me like an inferior. There's no winning in this, and even if there was, you wouldn't be winning because you're not actually trying to have a discussion with anyone. You're being sarcastic, rude, dismissive, and just plain unkind to people. Having a different opinion is okay. What you are doing here is not.

You say you're a Christian. How is this Christlike? Even if you really believe these people are horrible sinners (which I don't believe is true, but it's your right to believe) you have to remember that Christ did not immediately condemn people or dismiss their feelings. He tried to teach them kindly. Remember the whole, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" thing? Do you think Christ would talk like this?

I'm not trying to be horrible. I'm really not. I believe you're probably a good person, and you've done great things for your family and friends and neighbors. I believe you have a good heart and at your core you're just fighting for what you believe is right. I'm just trying to extend some tough love and give you a wake-up call.

I believe you're better than this.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com