Remote Raid Megathread - Find friends fast for raiding here

Hosting TWO Azelf Raids!

Friend code: 3498 1497 9234 - Please do keep in mind what I have written below.

I am going to try and do something I read (I believe yesterday) on another popular post, which is to try to host multiple raid groups for Azelf. I especially want to help out international trainers.

Luckily enough, there are two Azelf raids that just spawned. As a result, I am going to be able to alternate between the two. I will be inviting groups while I wait for the last group to start their raid, so I can begin the cycle anew for other groups!

Please note I will try to help as many as I can, but I may not do it for the entire 45 mins left. I will make a comment when this will happen and I will join the final two raids.

I will be trying to get different people in every group to give everyone a fair chance, but this may also take some time to do, so please be patient if willing.

/r/PokemonGoFriends Thread