Results of the /r/that_Poppy census!

I have no fucking clue why it looks like this, fucked with the formatting a bunch but it still does IDK. Anyways, thought I'd responds to some the mod comments here

Kinda want some "Daily Discussion" threads for the sub. Good way for deep interpretations of new vids. I dunno.

I'm open to this idea, the problem is that our subreddit isn't neccesarily active yet to sustain daily thread I think. Having a bunch of almost empty daily threads clogging up the front page is probably gonna be a negative right now. We'll think about it going forward.

Just with potentially younger audiences, we should maybe put disclaimers on posts that attempt to deify that Poppy. I remember recently seeing someone write a "Gospel of Poppy" and while I think its interesting to dissect the philosophy of the project - I'm worried that younger audiences will interpret this as a weird cult like religion and begin to alter themselves because of it. And I really worry about how that might be expressed in someone who has mental health issues or body issues, or self esteem issues.

I realize we can't be responsible for the well being of others, and regardless some impressionable people will take it too far. I just think that maybe we should label it as fiction or "in world" so to speak.

I think you underestimate the ability of young people to distinguish between reality and fiction. Like any pop star obsessive fandom is a concern but I don't really see how we could police the community to prevent it, anyone with an obsessive personality will find things to obsess about, and find places to discuss it (this is not the only poppy communiyt). Also im not really into the idea of censorship based on hypothetical situations or for some nebulous idea of "well being".

Hi, I'm from Mexico and it's neither in Central America nor South America, but North America along with Canada and USA. Kindda excluded us in the region option. Not offended, just that people might get confused in what to answer

that was dumb of me sorry

love u guys xoxo but the kanye stuff is so out of place

say that to my face IRL

/r/that_Poppy Thread