[Rotation] Grand Prix Day 2 - Brigade Rotation Cup Stage 1

Absolutely Standard Tenko Haven 2W - 2L, didn't bother playing the 5th match there would be no real benefit to doing so

Game 1 vs Aggro Forest (W): He didn't get a very good draw and barely put any pressure on me. He did destroy my first shrine with Devil Flower, but I had a board of two dragons and a heavenly knight that he simply couldn't deal with.

Game 2 vs Lindworm (W): He destroyed my first shrine and we sat there playing solitaire for 15 turns as I didn't draw another and he didn't draw his lind and was afraid to play Zooie without a 2 turn kill. I eventually got enough damage through with ambushed moonbuns and knights to bring him down to 3, but was in pure topdeck mode when he finally found his Lind. I skillfully topdecked a Heavenly Knight while a globe was out for lethal.

Game 3 vs Lions (L): Drew through half my deck and didn't draw a shrine, though he had father punishments anyway. I destroyed his first shrine, but other than that just flailed around doing not much of anything for 9 turns until he killed me with Unlimited Lionworks.

Game 4 vs Tenko (L): He outpiloted me by playing Tenko on curve while I didn't draw mine or father punishment. I was just sick of the deck and run at this point an conceded on turn 5.

I hate his deck, it's all the consistency of Daria but doesn't feel fun at all even when it works. There's really no skill involved, you either draw your wincon early and/or highroll into a bunch of big dudes your opponent can't remove. Or everything important is at the bottom of your deck as you draw into draw into draw and waste both players time stalling for your wincon that isn't coming. Unlimited Tenko at least has some more interesting set ups going on with Kel, but the Rotation version is just straight heal spam.

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