The [Silver Discussion] Sticky. Come shoot the shit and discuss the bad economics. - 19 May 2016

Here's the shit that led me to call one of those users a 'dumbfuck' - something I stand by.

The government of Canada has no obligation to prioritize the interests of foreigners over that of citizens. If they came in and bought all the farmland in Ontario and destroyed the agricultural industry by letting the land lie fallow that would not be a benefit to Canadians. Driving up the cost of housing past the point at which Canadians can afford it doesn't help Canadians.

Good luck with this, this sub just got a whiff of low down dirty racism . Even suggesting government has a responsibility to citizens at the expense of outsiders is like, literally Naziism to these know-nothing undergrads learning about the world out of textbooks or comfortable academics who generally don't have to worry about these kinds of problems.

Explain this to me: why do gays act either like 5 year olds at a birthday party, with all their exaggerated enthusiasm and attention seeking or they're viciously attacking people behind their backs. Where does this distortion of your personality come from? It's like they're trying to embody a caricature.

Yeah, I don't condone your disgusting compulsions, don't let that ruin your day.

No I have specific reasons for it: I hate gayness itself because its a disgusting, repulsive abomination. I hate gays because they try to normalize an abomination through whining and propaganda.

Well dogs sometimes eat their own excrement, maybe you should try doing that next time you're sodomizing your boyfriend and see if you like it. Then you can tell us how natural and normal it is because animals do it to. permalink save context

Yeah, yeah, we've heard it a million times over and over and over. Gays are exactly the same as the rest of us. They just love each other, in a cute teddy bear totally safe monogamous way just like the rest of us. Repeat the mantra until you feel your brain soften... The amount of brain washing that's be done to the culture to convince everyone is astounding. Gays used to be voracious hedonists with upwards of 5000 sexual partners in places like New York and L.A. There was a reason AIDS was associated with homosexuality. Now gays are just regular guys on reddit who like to give their "partners" dildos for Christmas.


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