Sisterhood of the Traveling Tureskis: Tank Top Taylor & Sweaty Sara's full send hun's guide to manifesting a rad nomad life where your feet are planted and your heart has been had - week of 07/26/2021

Listen y’all.

I’ve posted here before about my ex and I ending after 5.5 years. Come the end of September, it will have been 2 years since we ended. He dumped me, it SHATTERED ME, and I am STILL finding myself picking myself up off the ground sometimes.

He took the home we bought together, moved a new girl in, got engaged 3 months later, and now has a child with her. All this after saying he didn’t think he wanted to get married or have kids.

I didn’t “move” to Mexico for 5 weeks. I didn’t deny the break up had happened. Did I get absolutely shmammered on more than one occasion? Yes. Did I post about the break up? Not even once. I just had someone 3 months ago ask how he was doing, because they had no idea we’d ended.

Maybe Tay is FINALLY coming to terms with this, but I absolutely don’t think so. She’s heavily in denial, believes that these postings will bring him back, and has not at all accepted the break up for what it is: a time of her life that is no longer happening.

I say this all because, this is just the tip of the iceberg of her breakdown and spiral. We think this shit is pathetic? Just wait. She ain’t even started yet.

/r/BeachbodyHunSnark Thread