I am happy to hear what Jimmy Pardo says about Conan and Sarah Silverman but shocked to hear what Gary Cannon says about Craig Ferguson (I can't believe it) and both of them worked as warm up guys for Conan.

I was intrigued by this clip and did a deep dive on Gary Cannon. He’s interviewed on an obscure podcast called Cooper Talk (Episode 131) back in 2013. During the interview he tells his story about moving from sales into hosting to warm up act. The only interesting aspect is how gleefully he brags about being a lying scumbag — to employers, to other acts, to audience members — and how righteously indignant he is when he feels some lied or misrepresented something to him.

I have no idea if Craig Ferguson is a piece of shit off camera, but I have no doubt Gary Cannon is one. I can see why someone with a successful career like Pardo wouldn’t want to tie himself too closely to him.

/r/conan Thread Link - youtu.be