Is there a way for notifications on a phone to broadcast through a hearing aid?

Yeah fair call but it's your choice if you want to have your phone on loud.

A lot of people prefer to keep their phone silent so that they can be present in the moment and check their phone at a practical time, rather than start thinking about what's on a message they can't read yet.

I get that they could be asking on behalf - but isn't it telling that they don't even know what brand the hearing aid is? There's no mention here that OP has even mentioned this to the guy.

Yeah I jumped to some conclusions admittedly, but looking at the languaging and expectations just gives me bad vibes. If you've worked with people like I'm talking about then you know.

I 100% don't believe your work should ever ask you to use your hearing aids in that way. If you want to do this on your own that's a completely different thing.

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