[Prediction] “Physician Associate” will become “Associate Physician” in the next name change.

What’s the infatuation with worrying about Titles of NP and PA on this sub?

Going to be an attending next year and have never heard any complaints at all for the past 4 years.

Hospitals and physicians will always know where we stand. Changing from Mid level to advanced practice practitioner was not a big deal. Physician associate seems the same as physician assistant except maybe more descriptive? What do you call a regular office assistant to a physician? Kind of confusing to people.

I truly want to know. Because I see at least a post a day lamenting issues with PAs. I think they fill a solid role. A role that allows physicians to focus more on staffing patients as opposed to writing a ton of notes and doing a bunch of paperwork. Can get more patients taken care of that way.

But that’s just me.

So what’s up? What’s the big deal?

/r/Residency Thread