It's time to reopen r/SandersForPresident

I know he most likely won't run in 2020, but using r/Sanders4President for a different candidate right off the bat, would (imo) squash the momentum and muddy the message.

Even if he isn't running, we have 4 years to transition to someone like Tulsi or Nina..or heck, someone we haven't even heard of yet. My point is that if you jump quickly to appointing a new candidate to run the movement, you will face disagreement and argument over who is actually the face of this movement.

Reopening the sub and allowing the dreamers to dream, would reignite the movement around Bernie. It would give him a organized group that could amplify his message. To me this is very important. Even if 2020 is off the table for him, he is still the guy with the name recognition and the proven backing who could and should be the next leader of the democratic party over these next 4 years.

Let the movement build him back up. The fact that the subs title, and the communities message is cohesive is very important. It's called r/Sanders4President , so it should continue on with the narrative of Sanders being president in 2020. Heck, if it gets big enough it MIGHT happen, but if it doesnt, then we can let HIM be the one to appoint his successor. This way the communities transition goes on without argument or disagreement.

SOURCE::: I work for a large corporation (one that you've heard of but probably believe it's best days are behind it). However, I work in a small but disruptive group whose goal is to basically disrupt older groups and bring in new ideas/methods without any hostility or turnover. It's about creating movements within the workforce to upend old paradigms (kind of without them noticing it happening).

What I do for a living is very close to the challenge we have at hand.

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