Twenty-something couple looking to move to the Oregon Coast. Any advice?

Lol, no, there isn't. Show me crime rates, show me the burned out neighborhoods. There is some petty crime here, there has to be, with humans around and all and people get hungry, people need to get high so they steal for it. I get it but its not even close to anything that could be considered near constant crime.

Seriously. And I agree, meth was an issue here but it has largely killed itself off.

Near constant crime....

Really? What the fuck does that even mean? Can I come and watch this near constant crime? I don't have entertainment! Maybe we should let the cops know about this near constant crime! Yeah!

Now, I am not telling you this just to one up you or introduce you to my black/jewish/chinese friend but...

I do not have house keys, I lost them in 2003 and never got new ones. I have never removed the car keys from any of my cars. My 40 foot sailboat in Charleston has no locks on the doors. And if you don't believe me, lets have a meet up, come on over, lets visit my boat, lets drive out to the beach and take the dogs for a walk while my truck sits there with the windows down and the keys in it. You will learn that what I am saying is true. Now, maybe I am just lucky and the near constant crime avoids me. But most likely, there isn't the issue with theft people think there is.

Seriously. I surf a lot and have never suffered a theft, all the while the truck is wide open and yet...I guess I an't got shit to steal. I am out in the surf so the crooks have to know its safe to get busy and do some near constant crime!

I don't know, why lie about the reality of such a beautiful little area?

I get why the pdx'ers do it, they have shitty, miserable little lifes spent in boxes of dry wall, boxes of metal with wheels on them. Their days are ruined if they can't find a Costco or their favorite food cart just sold out.

But Coos/Greater Bay area?

We have it going on.

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