/U/JULREPSSS Selling Replica FOG As Authentic In Facebook Groups.

Lol you're a funny moron. "Scammed several people". I sold only 1 piece and yes to that moron that you showcase. This moron met up with me and when he asked me "are you sure it's legit?" I said "i bought it from someone else, you check it". This moron checked it and approved. Later on he even made a post on FOG talk where half of the group laughed his ass off for being so stupid. Most of these were adults. Seems like you aren't since you're being so silly about it and haven't had any life lessons. If you meet up with someone it's your own responsibility to check it. I got screwed over plenty of times when I was a younger kid. There's gonna be plenty of ppl in this world that ain't gonna tell you "oh little boy don't forget this piece is not legit please pay attention". Use your goddamn eyes and common sense. Seems like all of the kids in here talking about selling reps as real is bad blabla n shit are 14yo kids that have been screwed over already lmao. Do you really think I give one damn if I get banned? More than half of this community wears palace combined with tlop and fog, what kind of style is that even. Other than that, I have only been contributing with links since I joined since most of the kids here just joined a day ago and only look for links and it seems you are one of the angry kiddo's that didn't get the fog shoes link yesterday so you suddenly come up with this lmao. Y u mad bruh. Well guess what, there's a time difference if you have ever had education. When i posted that I drove home from work which was almost around midnight. I made that post while travelling and didn't have the link with me. Told several ppl to pm me for the link so I'd send it later.

/r/FashionReps Thread