Units that are included in UOC (March 28 - May 7)


I would like to remind people that this link will be updated soon. It's an amazing guide for the last UoC, and some of these units are still pretty relevant for today's meta! But I figured people might want some pointers anyway. Everything from Piany's batch until Gildorf's batch is new! Don't forget Eneroth's batch!


Needing your own mitigators is crucial. But which one should you consider, and more importantly, which one can be used as a friend lead? The new mitigators that have arrived since the last UoC, are the following:

--------- | --------- | --------- | Unit | Why? | ** Typing:** Mikael |
Laberd | * Defensive Leader Skill with 40% HP/DEF, 3-6 BC on hit, Reduce DMG for 1 turn when 5k+ DMG received
* BB offers Mitigation, 4-7 BC when hit, 130% DEF
* SBB ditches defense buff in exchange for 30% chance at 50% ATK-down debuff. Which is always good.
* ES gives Laberd two major buffs that are great for any mitigator: 2-3 bc when attacked, and null defense ignore attacks. Letting the rest of the squad defend while you mitigate safely through defense-ignoring attacks is priceless for those GGC's that hit like a truck.
* UBB = 3 turn 75% mitigation, along with other goodies.
* Why pick this unit for UoC? It might be better to take a friend Laberd instead of getting your own, because you will mainly pick him for his Leader Skill. I also am not too fond of his Defense buff being on only his BB, not too auto-friendly. More importantly, it is getting easier to get your Defense buff from other sources nowadays, with units that take on multiple stat buffs in one go (Think Nadore/Paris/Sirius/OE Atro style). I'd highly consider a different mitigator depending on what you already own. | Anima

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