Unpopular Opinions/General Rant Thread - 12/11/22

While I think Embla’s addition was at least interesting and is sure to spice up gameplay, I’m not a fan of how freely she applies her debuffs. She just kind of has the ability to cripple your entire team with Undefended and more importantly Feud, but there are no trigger conditions tied to those very powerful debuffs. Seidr’s effect is similarly very powerful but it has counterplay at the very least, as did Save skills back in the day (as much as people want to deny that). It would’ve been interesting to have like a Spd check on her C skill at the very least, but she just inflicts her penalties in a massive area for free. I don’t like that.

This is just paving the way for “Null Null” scenarios. I can already see the “nullifies enemies’ negative effects that trigger at start of turn” inheritable skill showing up.

/r/FireEmblemHeroes Thread