Welcome to r/POTUSWatch, please read the sidebar and read previous meta threads (using this link) to get a better idea about what this sub is supposed to be, thank you!

Rule 1: Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, be as friendly as possible to them, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, and don't post anyone's personal information.

Rule 2: No snarky short low-effort comments consisting of just mere jokes/insults and contributing nothing to the discussion (please reserve those to the circlejerk-focused subreddits)

Please don't use the downvote button as a 'disagree' button and instead just report any rule-breaking comments you see here.

[removed comments]


R/POTUSWatch is a neutrally-moderated serious subreddit dedicated to following and documenting all actions and statements of the current President of the United States and his administration with no sensationalism or bias.

This subreddit is a genuine attempt at a neutral non-echochamber unsafe space where everyone is welcome; whether they support the current administration, oppose it, or consider themselves in the middle.

Rule 1: Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, be as friendly as possible to them, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, and don't post anyone's personal information.

Rule 2: No snarky short low-effort comments consisting of just mere jokes/insults and contributing nothing to the discussion.

News articles and other kinds of reporting on the actions and statements of the President and his administration.

Direct communication from the President and his administration.

Neutrally-worded genuine questions about the actions and statements of the President and his administration.

Fake news Videos or social media posts not from the President or his administration.

Rule 5: Submission titles should not be misleading, contain all caps, or contain accusatory, speculative, biased or sensationalist language.

P.S. Please avoid downvoting comments just because you disagree with them.

If you encounter any rule-breaking comments here, report them to us instead of replying to them with rule-breaking comments of your own.

Also don't forget to mention this sub when it's relevant and where mentioning it would be appreciated in order to help it grow.

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Why the move to r/POTUSWatch #2. Why all the purple.

/r/POTUSWatch Thread Link - reddit.com