A family member has drug induced schizophrenia.

OK then the marijuana isn’t the problem dude it’s the meth. I was an addict for 22 years you didn’t mention any of that before. You cannot use methamphetamine with marijuana so he needs to get help for addiction issues he does not need to be taken off of the cannabis. I am three years sober from meth my husband is also sober from it and we used cannabis after we quit cold turkey we also got on a medication called subutex. And first and foremost unless you have a PhD you don’t have any right to say whether he needed marijuana or not you are not a medical professional you do not have the capability to make that observation. Medical marijuana can treat schizophrenia. Medical marijuana does not kill people. But the fact that your family member is using methamphetamine is the main reason why he is going through psychosis. Psychosis is the number one side effect of methamphetamine. Psychosis is not the side effect of marijuana. Get your drugs straight. It sounds to me like you just don’t want him using anything. Why don’t you go educate yourself a little bit on medical marijuana and meth and find out exactly what’s wrong instead of just assuming. And I don’t mean reading off of biased websites either I mean actually getting out and talking to people who have suffered from addiction. Getting the cannabis taken away is not gonna help you need to boat out unless you’re going to have him put in a rehabilitation facility. Medical cannabis is all I use now I don’t even take the subutex anymore. I don’t take any pills whatsoever. And if it weren’t for cannabis I don’t think I would have the three years of sobriety that I have with no relapse. Your family member needs to come off of the methamphetamine point blank. That’s what’s causing the harm not the weed. The weed is probably actually helping. When you do methamphetamine for long periods of time psychosis begins to set in. He’s probably cause brain damage from his methamphetamine use and his brain is trying to heal but it can’t because he won’t stop using. You came into the wrong Sub my friend you might wanna go to the methamphetamine sub and see if you can get some help there.

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