What lanes can you win without inspiration second?

inspiration is not so much for winning lane, nor is it the best tree for scaling. you take it for gold efficiency and the mid-game powerspikes

magical footwear is insane on gp for a few reasons.

  1. you are saving 300 gold which allows for a quicker trinity force
  2. a quicker trinity force means you can start racking up gold with kegs
  3. magical boots have +10 movespeed over the ordinary boots meaning you dont necessarily need to upgrade them, which saves you an additional 800 gold
  4. gp isnt particularly reliant on tier-2 boots.. tabi boots are nice put putting 800 gold towards your 2-item power spike is even better

more ways to add to your gold efficiency are starting mana-crystal, buying cull, selling your biscuits

of course this assumes you take magic boots, going biscuits+timewarp is a totally different playstyle since you will always go corrupting NOT mana crystal, and thus you will be taking far more heavy trades and using the instant healing

/r/gangplankmains Thread