Writing to all that's me

Thank you! Update.

Writing to all that is me.

Listening from flower to star, hearing the swooshing sounds of eternity. Laying still while somehow the shoes binding me somehow fly away from me. Without weight the smallest of gusts uprooted me, lifted off the ground, held firmly still in unseen hands unknown to me. Watching my flames flicker, turn and start anew, like the shadow of the sun becoming illuminated by its sunshine. Uncontrollable, burning free, the fire leaps igniting more than me. Faster than the crying sky, raindrops pour inside me, coming together and filling the forgotten well, over flooding the gate, the river now flows into to the bigger me. Eyes of will hit me like the striking wind, causing the steady ocean to rip and lose its form, grasping on to the land it never knew. Not to be laid still, thinking it went too far, the water transforms to clouds, thus repeating the game that was due. Without beginning or end, always the song repeats with a different tune. My life was emptied and filled again, allowing the dance to changes its groove like a tall growing tree branching past what it once knew.

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