224 words ELI5 Market Socialism 251 words Casting absolutely no judgment whatsoever, anti-trump protesters, what is your goal? 297 words Is there a political ideology/philosophy that says everything currently illegal should become legalized, but controlled? 441 words What is the end game to allowing all the immigrants into the EU? It seems there is a lot of nationalistic pushback to allowing millions of immigrants access to the EU. Why is the EU allowing this? 459 words Why do politicians endorse political candidates when they lose? 349 words Why did the Liberal Party in the UK fall? What happened in the minds of the population to cause it to lose popularity to the extent that they had to combine with the social democrats? 442 words Why do many liberals hate Hillary Clinton? 378 words Will Europe ban migrants now? 507 words Why do we even need a filibuster of the Patriot Act renewal? Isn't there enough widespread contempt for it to make dissent politically advantageous for many senators? 381 words Bernie Sanders: Too Good to be True? 682 words Can Reddit help me understand the history of [Indiana Senate Bill 101 aka Religious Freedom Restoration](https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2015/bills/senate/101#)? 338 words How does Indiana's new religious freedom law respond in the following hypothetical situations? (listed inside) 369 words If there is a violation of the Appropriations Clause in the U.S., who has standing to sue? 560 words I have a question for an upcoming midterm of mine and I'm not sure about it the question. I'm not asking you to pretty much do it for me, just to help me out 412 words Who do right wing Scottish nationalists support? 350 words What are the legal and ethical arguments against mandatory drug testing of recipients of publicly funded social security or assistance programs? 493 words Is there a reasonable reason to be against ISPs having Title II status? And how likely is it that the ISPs will fight it in court, and SCOTUS will side with them?