332 words Buddhist servicemembers part II 165 words Why is suicide always said to lead to negative rebirth when often it is the result of an illness, and not the person's fault? 177 words Why can't people with eczema ordain? 478 words How do Mahayana doctrines make sense of arahants can come back to become Buddhas, with no self? 203 words How this forum has changed over time? 499 words The teachings of conditionality, non-duality and non-self point to determinism 215 words Hello! I'm not currently a Buddhist but I'm considering becoming one. I just had a few questions! 174 words Maha-sihanada Sutta on Whether the Buddha Was Just a Man 730 words Controling Hatred and Anger 128 words If women can't reach enlightenment, what's the point in becoming a Bhikkhuni? 196 words Why are most people born poor or middle class while only a tiny percentage are born wealthy? 160 words Reading about Ajahn Chah's thoughts on not letting good or evil things get to us 127 words Thich Nhat Hanh: in 100 years there may be no more humans on planet earth 151 words Please Pray for the Victims of the Colorado Shooting 115 words Vegan/Vegetarian 966 words ¤¤¤ Weekly /r/Buddhism General Discussion ¤¤¤ - January 18, 2021 185 words Secular Buddhism and the superior whiteness of being 170 words How to feel about (ignorant) People of our world? 195 words Just because spirituality and science are different worlds, that doesn’t mean you can’t hang out in both 180 words Mixing Buddhism with other spiritual systems - let's talk in depth