112 words It was super irresponsible of Worf's mother to have the initial discussion of Alexander staying with Worf permanently in front of the child. 125 words Are there Q cults in the Federation? How does a society even that advanced handle confirmed public knowledge that there are multiple entities that could erase their entire history with a thought and the best minds available can't conceive any technological defence? 107 words Generations was the only instance in Trek where we actually see people celebrating Christmas in a traditional family setting. But do people in the 24th century actually celebrate it with presents and a turkey dinner or was that just Picard's old fashioned fantasy? 131 words What would be the fate of the Cardassian Union if they remained loyal to the Dominion during the war? 171 words Lets have some fun: if you given the task to create a new Trek TV series, what will you make? 158 words What do you think of the decision of Voyager's writers to open season 5 not with the crew not in physical danger, but rather, a prolonged state of malaise? Should the Voyager crew have been forced to deal with this more often? 144 words Terrans are more light-sensitive because the ones who weren't got stabbed in the dark. 124 words "We are free. We have a ship and the means to go where we will." - Joachim. What if Khan had heeded the advice of his loyal lieutenant and they'd fled into the void with the Genesis Device? 121 words What would be the best way to get Burnham pardoned? 525 words Why does everyone think Burnham started the war? 205 words Sexual politics in the 23rd/24th Century? 1,004 words A Love Letter to Lily 315 words If a romulan warbird is twice the power of a galaxy starship, why isn't the federation doomed, or at least struggling to hold back a romulan takeover? 262 words Why all the planets look like Southern California... 177 words Welcome to the Federation Archaeological Survey, The Heart of Starfleet and of Federation Science! 230 words The Starfleet Ship Problem: Or why registry numbers don't matter 306 words Kai winn/par wraith 473 words (VOY) "Future's End, Part I" Yep, another flaw found. This time, it's Tuvok! 684 words You set up a cinema in an Enterprise holodeck. Most 24th Century citizens know nothing about film - what movies do you show the Enterprise crew? 351 words Why are the Klingons allowed get away with being so aggressive to the Federation?