Welcome to the Federation Archaeological Survey, The Heart of Starfleet and of Federation Science!

We took that into account, and removing your post wasn't a decision made hastily or lightly.

However, when a user responded to your prompt not by furthering discussion, but by responding with more fan-fiction, that's when we felt compelled to intervene.

At /r/DaystromInstitute, the goal of every post is to present a prompt for discussion and (in addition to other expectations) do so as clearly as possible, with as little obfuscation muddying the intent or purpose of the thread as possible.

While all of the prose you've presented in shows clear effort, it has confused readers by not instructing (or even indicating) what sort of discussion it's intended to generate.

This isn't to lecture you, by any means, and I hope it's not taken that way. You've been a steady contributor and a valued member of the community, and we certainly appreciate that.

Again, your post is a good one, it's just that (in its current state) it's not very well-suited for this particular subreddit (and, in fact, is perfectly suited for others, like /r/TrekFic).

/r/DaystromInstitute Thread Parent