185 words U.S. income inequality, on rise for decades, is now highest since 1928 314 words World population living in extreme poverty, 1820-2015 308 words New Research Shows Intergernerational Income More Highly Correlated than we Thought and Economic Mobility is Less 315 words New Research Shows Intergernerational Income More Highly Correlated than we Thought and Economic Mobility is Less 551 words Why Are Politicians So Obsessed With Manufacturing? - The New York Times 177 words The Federal Reserve confronts a possibility it never expected: No exit. 260 words Don’t Blame A ‘Skills Gap’ For Lack Of Hiring In Manufacturing 176 words EpiPen's 400 percent price hike tells us a lot about what'€™s wrong with American health care 200 words Poor at 20, Poor for Life A new study indicates that from the 1980s to the 2000s, it became less likely that a worker could move up the income ladder. 430 words Confronting the Global Threat to Democracy - Globalization promised to bring benefits to all. It contributed to rising inequality, which is fueling discontent. And the problem appears to be systemic. 633 words The Futur of History - For decades, economics has been dominated by a libertarian right. If current trends of globalized capitalism continue, this will lead to an erosion of the middle-class social base on which liberal democracy rests 296 words Wage inequality continued its 35-year rise in 2015 | Economic Policy Institute 498 words Financial Times Editor : Western capitalism need serious reforms right now in order to avoid political instability. As the US reaches Latin America-style inequality, american politics is becoming to look like Latin America-populism 341 words Globalisation can make everyone better off. That does not mean it will. 461 words The costs of inequality: When a fair shake isn’t 285 words Basic Income & Meaningless Jobs: David Graeber Interview & Stenography 302 words Iran sanctions lifted: Brace for oil shakeup 499 words Bernanke: “Audit the Fed” is not about auditing the Fed 792 words Economists’ evolving understanding of the zero-rate liquidity trap 343 words Why I hate the (STEM) skills shortage debate (Noah Smith)