518 words Minimum Wage Going Up In 14 States At Start Of 2016 426 words Fed's Updated Model of Economy Suggests It's Time to Raise Rates 476 words Two nobel prize winners think the Kardashians sum up everything wrong in world markets 310 words No, the U.S. will not default on its debt, no matter what 315 words Day After Employees Vote to Unionize, Target Announces Fleet of Robot Workers [x-post /r/Futurology/] 291 words /r/Economics Open Thread 289 words Paul Krugman: Australia can weather the Chinese economic downturn 286 words 1998 in 2015 662 words A “yes” vote in Greece would have condemned the country to years more of suffering under policies that haven’t worked and in fact, given the arithmetic, can’t work: austerity probably shrinks the economy faster than it reduces debt, so that all the suffering serves no purpose. 354 words Tsipras backs down on Greece bailout demands || Alexis Tsipras will accept all the bailout creditors’ conditions that were on the table last weekend with only a handful of minor changes, according to a letter the Greek prime minister sent late on Tuesday night. 405 words Monetary Policy in the Confederacy [pdf]. Interesting read about the disastrous monetary steps taken by the south to finance the war. 745 words Joseph Stiglitz to Greece’s Creditors: Abandon austerity or face global fallout 424 words "Greece is doomed. Europe wants to make a default be as painful as possible, because if it's not painful, other countries might simply follow and the whole EU falls apart" 968 words So what if Greece leaves the European Union? - The Washington Post 386 words What happens when a country runs out of money (Greece today, tomorrow....?) 272 words Trans Pacific Partnership Is about Control, Not Free Trade : Foundation for Economic Education 394 words BYRON WIEN: The Fed basically put $3 trillion into the stock market 340 words Larry Summers Tells It Like It Is: "Something very serious has happened with respect to the general availability of quality jobs" 272 words There is no such thing as "global aggregate demand" 269 words Bernie Sanders has picked a terrible argument against the TPP