204 words Nuka World leaked TWO YEARS ago... 349 words Fallout 4 - Attention: 651.2 MB Update Has Been Released on PC. 208 words 10 reasons I won't pre-purchase the next Fallout game. 492 words What's the difference between pirating and the current "stealing" of mods? 350 words This TL;DR from /r/falloutmods sums up the modding crisis perfectly. 289 words So, which one of the squires running around in the Prydwen do you think is going to be the Elder in Fallout 5? 903 words Can someone give me a rundown of the events of fallout 1 and 2 and how the vault dweller and chosen one relate to the rest of the series? 520 words Can someone give me a rundown of the events of fallout 1 and 2 and how the vault dweller and chosen one relate to the rest of the series? 292 words The change of tone in this sub 361 words Why am I so bored with Fallout 4? 505 words I just wish that there are more friendly settlements.. 317 words Can you make a case for Caesar's Legion? 1,098 words Fallout 4 is way better than I expected it to be 379 words Fallout 4 Character builds 395 words How the HELL does a bunch of farmers managed to beat all these powerful factions that outmatched and outclassed them in every way possible? 819 words Commonwealth amnesia after finding Shaun 370 words If you side with the Institute, does the Sole Survivor become just like Shaun? 460 words Extremely disappointed in the ending 387 words I had a rant about Fallout 4's faults on a Matty video. Please tell me if i am wrong 616 words DLC Hope: More quests & content with our companions.