This TL;DR from /r/falloutmods sums up the modding crisis perfectly.

I used to be a PC guy (before my PC died and got a laptop for uni instead) so I'm relatively wise with how modding works. I did a lot with Skyrim Script Extender, user Nexus and the steam workshop so I know the kinda effort people put into these things. A lot of the mods I had were graphical ones because teenage me was a bit of a show off, so I also understand how demanding some mods can be.

So, as a PS4 player i completely respect a modders decision if they don't make it console comparable, either because it will affect user experience (I.e destroying frame rates), too hard to optimise for not too powerful systems or just the fact the console versions just can't be changed in the same way.

This is fine with me, because I know they do it for no pay and put a hell of a lot of work into the game anyway. It's also fine with everyone else I know who plays fallout on console because hell we were excited to hear mods were coming so had some pretty lengthy conversation on the topic. All the people I know have the mindset that even having some mods I'd better than having non, so there really isn't any reason to complain.

The people who ARE making a fuss are the people who either don't understand how PC's and consoles are different (so should do their research), don't understand the effort modders put into the game and the time it takes (so should do their research) or have both mindsets (in which case they should really do some fucking research). I'm confident these people are the minority, but I think certain people from both 'sides' are being completely immature about this. Just leave the modders in peace, because I just couldn't give a shit weather you're on PC or consoles and weather one is better than the other or weather all mods are available on one and less are on the other because I just want to play the god damn game...

/r/Fallout Thread