110 words The monster that protects the roots 281 words What happened to Kratos? 162 words How exactly does luck work? Is there a base probably of something happening (cool down, drop rate) and then your luck points add to that? Are they additive, multiplicative? 141 words Already own GOW(2018) on PS4 since release - But Never played it. Now PC version is on sale, but buying an unplayed game 'twice' seems foolish. FWIW, my PC has 1440P Ultrawide 120hz + 3080, vs PS4 being on a 60hz 60" TV. Should I just play the PS4 version first and go from there? or PC all the way? 204 words My thoughts on Angrboda being black, coming from a Northerner 122 words Giving away 4 Ragnarök keys! 160 words He really does have a dad bod now. if you want to see who made this look in comments 118 words My dumbass actually thought they were going to release the game on that day 115 words Would this have been a close fight or would Kratos win this easily? 211 words Plot Twist: Travelers are Cyclops from Greece in disguise, back for revenge against Kratos 374 words Unanswered questions 212 words Kratos WILL Die, And I Know Why 196 words Baldur Will Come Back To life in GOW Part 2 Frya revived mimir after kratos chop down his head , and then she revived the Stone Mason after he got killed by thor a long time ago, with all this information im certain she will revive Baldur cuz she know the old magic + she carried Baldur and left. 125 words One of my favorite moments in the game 141 words Wired says God of War is messy and Kratos a cruel womanizer 226 words IMO Higher difficulties have a poor design