Wired says God of War is messy and Kratos a cruel womanizer

The author “Julie Muncie” is a hack. She rated farcry 5 a 6/10 but didnt talk about gameplay at all, she focused the entire review on how the game lacked some sjw message and how she felt ubisoft was cowardly for remaining a-political. So it’s no surprise that she continues this trend on all her game reviews.

I looked into her and it turns out she used to be some fat neckbeard guy who thinks hes a girl now. And no offense to her life decision, but that’s who wired thinks relates to the wider demographic of gamers. They dont pick someone who actually reviews the game, rather, someone who posts some shitty analytical think piece on the games social message....lol fuck off.

Simple solution dont read wired, their click bait bullshit or any of Julie Muncie’s shitty pseudo-journalism

/r/GodofWar Thread