247 words r /The_Donald Logic 279 words Alternative Patriotism. 149 words This is the strangest thing I have ever seen, T_D has gone full cult... 337 words Trump will never understand this. 276 words Angela Merkel now understands how the rest of us feel when Donald Trump talks. 172 words PSA: Trump's budget would strip $3 billion from the Community Development Block Grant program, which supports a variety of community-development and anti-poverty programs. Those include Meals on Wheels, which provided 219 million meals to 2.4 million seniors in 2016. r/all should see the truth. 209 words It's kinda catchy. 197 words While I may not make it through this, my family will not be stuck with the burden of debt. Thanks Obama. 178 words Large protest planned for President Trump's visit to Nashville 450 words Libertarian family man for closed borders and free market. Pro: West, gun, life, gay, Israel, Trump. Anti: Nazi, antifa, censorship, feminist, Islam ask me anything 202 words My name is Donald J Trump. I am a pathological liar and don't give a shit about the American people. Wouldn't it be a shame if his mug reached the front page? 161 words It's almost too easy to point out the hypocrisy 276 words TIL: Trump's father was arrested along with KKK rioters. What if r/all became educated to this? 217 words Donald Trump spent millions trying to get this image off the internet, shame if it reached /r/all 481 words Amazing, a President who hasn't passed financial legislation yet claims a $12B debt improvement as his own. Help get this to r/all 1,658 words SATURDAY NIGHT DEBATE! This is the link to President Obama's Correspondents' Dinner. Why would President Trump decide not to do it? He will be the first in 30 years. Civil discussion only PLEASE! 1,658 words PSA: Just a friendly reminder. 1,659 words Michael Flynn resignation won't stop Trump admin. from targeting Iran. 1,659 words Michael Flynn resignation won't stop Trump admin. from targeting Iran. 1,649 words What these past few weeks have been like