206 words H: V2515r Railway & Crazy Guy mask W: Fixer/Handmade offers 164 words [XB1] H: AA 40PA/+S Chainsaw W: Apparel 269 words [Pricecheck] Je90 tse15r aae15r qe15r and b2525 fixers 437 words WTT H: Tattered field jacket W: offers 146 words [PS4] H: Godrolls, Bulk flux fdc or scrap. W: Mysterious Component (located in misc tab) 219 words H: Glitched Item :W Information 113 words H: OE WWR excavator set W: Offers 128 words What would you pay? AA/E handmade, Q/E/Agi Handmade, and 322 words [XB1] H:Trade List W:QFFRFR Tesla, BE25 (10mm pistol, Railway), B2525 (Pipe pistol, Radium, 10mm pistol), B3325 (Gauss Rifle, bow, crossbow), B3390 Fatman, B25FR, 90,25 Plasma Rifle/Pistol, Offers 146 words [PS4] H: Offers W: Q/25FFR/90RW Cryolator, V/25FFR/90RW Flamer and Ultracite Gatling Laser 120 words [XB1] W: VTU Cap H: Flux OR assorted Commando/Rifleman guns to bundle 183 words [Discussion] oh god, this ain't it cheif 534 words [XB1] H: Instigating Bow 33/15 vats W: Furious Combat Shotgun, or TS Handmade, or TS Fixer. Max level. No Bloodied or Junkies, please and thanks. 320 words [XB1] H: trade list W: Executioners explosive Gatling plasma or other explosive gat plasma offers 578 words [PS4] H: large list of 3* weapons and armor, outfits, and extras W: wishlist items (details below) also open to non wishlist offers. No caps or ammo 166 words [PS4] W: weapons H: trades 278 words [XB1] H: 5 possum badges W: caps or ffr combat rifle / fixer 111 words [PS4] W: Magazines H: Caps 165 words [PS4] H: legendary steel scrap W: max caps or trades 151 words [PS4] W:unyielding powered 2* heavy bos right arm H: trades and caps