323 words Sorry if this is an innappropriate question to ask here, but i'm building a real estate agent website for a family member as a favor. I have the domain/host..was going to use wordpress... but my operating budget is essentially $0. question is, is it possible to integrate an mls search free somehow? 214 words Selling House without Realtor,offered VA loan 237 words I've just lost $10,000 - this real estate stuff is not easy. 214 words Noise complaints between tenants 340 words FTHB here, where do I start? 290 words 22 years old newly licensed Mortgage Loan Originator on the hunt for jobs in the city. Established Loan Officers, how long did it take you to find employment as an LO? 300 words Buying a house as-is from family friend. We have no idea what we are doing. 316 words Fox News: Traditional Real Estate May Be Becoming A Thing Of The Past 357 words Firing my buying agent when we have a exclusive contract (California) 604 words A million questions about agents. 540 words Looking to buy a house on a short timeline with a semi-complicated situation (WI) 469 words Potential buy has been on the market for +8 months. Made offer yesterday and now in a sudden bidding war?? What gives? 561 words Home Refinancing vs. Home Equity Loan vs. Home Equity Line of Credit [CA]-- simple explanation needed for book I'm writing 647 words Louisiana - unexpected road expansion taking up half of my front yard. 603 words [NJ]Eviction process and time frame? 343 words Redfin 'Buyers Refund' - Is this legit? 508 words How do people who already own a house buy another one? 347 words How do we (wife and I) go about getting Pre-Qualified/Shop Around? 346 words Do manufactured homes hold their value? 393 words Purchasing property with existing tenants, need some business advice (more details inside)