157 words Lost our 4th offer. 125 words I thought negotiations would go quicker, whats up?? 287 words If you'd dumped $26k into a house only 6 months after buying, would you be thinking to sell it ASAP? 155 words Investor has owned property for 48 hours and immediately listed for $25k (15%) more. Normal? 157 words Criminal activity rental property 224 words Mortgage with option for an annual additional payment. Pros? cons? 153 words Need advice how to deal with two tenants that allegedly tried to drug my girlfriend 125 words Advice on becoming a real estate agent. 124 words The Epicenter of the Housing Bust Is Booming Again. (That’s a Warning Sign.) 175 words As a real estate agent, these are the things that make me cringe about other agents 145 words HELOC for 2nd home 317 words Sold our house and now can't find anything to purchase 551 words Tenants broke up. How to proceed as Landlord in this situation? 338 words First time homebuyer, having trouble coming to an agreement with seller about repairs (Oregon) 170 words One in 20 real estate transactions do not close. Inspection is the biggest culprit. 201 words Who here owns property outside of the U.S.? 208 words What really mattered to you when buying your home? Did it turn out to matter? 239 words Seller's Destroyed Driveway Before Closing 222 words Seller's Destroyed Driveway Before Closing 390 words Sorry if this is an innappropriate question to ask here, but i'm building a real estate agent website for a family member as a favor. I have the domain/host..was going to use wordpress... but my operating budget is essentially $0. question is, is it possible to integrate an mls search free somehow?