321 words What are the most instructive videos you have ever seen? 315 words First master scalp OTB! 433 words Was hoping someone could give me some pointers on this game i just played? My analysis in the comments. Thanks! 405 words Is the King's Gambit a good opening to play in long time controls? 371 words Nice analysis of Female vs Male rating distribution, overall and by age. 630 words Uneducated in theory of various openings and various endgames. Your thoughts? 501 words How would you advise someone just getting into chess? 333 words How can one distinguish styles in chess? 311 words I need a little help with my English opening please 526 words Help analyzing my game (1123) 563 words Has there ever been evidence of someone starting chess in their 20's or 30's and eventually becoming a GM? 623 words Annotated game between 1700s on ICC - QGD exchange 433 words [Novice here again] Can someone tell me white's plan ? 395 words Strong Chess Players usually can play Blindfold Chess 390 words A nice tactic that I've seen several times in training but I missed it OTB. Black to move and win. 330 words Organizing University Chess Club 499 words What rule of thumb do you know of in chess, that may help a newcomer? 900 words Baffled by EICC2015 game between GMs Andriasian and Inarkiev, white completely hands up his queen but black doesn't take... Engine seems to agree with me but can anyone explain?? 305 words Obvious cheater is obvious. 435 words Me (1634) vs Opponent (1826) Last round of Marshall U2000- White Wins!