102 words Is the endgame database reliable? It contradicts stockfish analysis. Also, isn't two knights insufficient material if the b pawn is lost? 148 words DON'T LOSE A WON GAME 129 words [META 1/2] A call for moderator applications. Your application will be voted on by the community. 211 words I think I’ve hit the chess “wall” 202 words Serious question - does chess ever make you feel depressed? Do you ever feel like quitting or that you are wasting your life? 159 words A 2100 rated puzzle I encountered today, can someone help me make sense of this? 117 words Help 114 words GM Ben Finegold vs WFM Alexandra Botez Bullet match Sunday 2pm EDT on twitch 151 words When should you give up on victory and look to draw? 154 words "At the time of writing, there are 1,594 grandmasters in the world. Of these, 1,559 are male and 35 are female." 157 words Username cannot be changed. It's IMPOSSIBLE? Can a programmer explain why a database change can't be made? 161 words CT rating vs reality 364 words Have you seen the post about the English kid aged 9 with a 2050 rating that wants to drop out of school? 138 words Experienced players: Do you have an opening repertoire? 134 words Hat's off to Caruana - what an absolutely gentleman! 138 words Could Caruana be planning to copy Hou Yifan in the Petroff? 185 words Repertoire problems against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 171 words Is it bad manners to not resign in a losing position if opponent is low on time? 106 words Typical curve progression discussion 195 words When two chess engines play against each other, do we ever see them play the exact same game in succession? (If not, why not?)