304 words I am only good at being a musician and want to start learning how to code. 180 words Want to learn a lower-level language. Should I start with C or C++? 677 words Java: I want to use global variables, but doing so slows by program down by a factor of two. 205 words Java Homework: non-static method cannot be referenced 411 words What's happening here? (pointers in C) 175 words 2 Days trying to troubleshoot this JS Chrome Extension bug. Any ideas? 346 words Do you want to learn how to create a fully functioning program that people could theoretically use? I made a chat program that's extremely simple and can show you how it works so start here! 195 words How do I decide what web server to use? 350 words Git for Dummies? 168 words Is there a sub menu list drag/scroll velocity multiplier command for js or css? 453 words Help with C++ Sudoku Solver 233 words How do I get a job working remote? 224 words Need help finishing my OO C# lab this week 149 words [Python][Homework] Caesar Cipher with multiple shift values 257 words The insane amount of frameworks and packages in web development is freaking me out with deciding to jump in or not. 235 words I've taken two years of high school CS and I still can't code. Something is seriously wrong with my brain. 129 words Am I using constructors properly? 234 words Learning Basic in Java If & Else to intermediate only 269 words Is the course that I enrolled in too difficult for someone who has no prior coding experience? 218 words Any programmers out there who started a programming career at 30 or later?