[Python][Homework] Caesar Cipher with multiple shift values

I tried that but it didn't work. I changed my code so it looks like this:

message = ["thisisatest yep", "this is in fact a test", "a very 
important test"]
final_message = ""
shifts = [1,2,3,4,5,]
    i = 0
    for words in message:
      iteration = 0
      for letter in words:
         if letter.isalpha():
                iteration = iteration % len(shifts)
                a = ord(letter)+int(shifts[iteration])
                if a>122:
                if a<65:
                final_message = final_message + chr(a)
                iteration +=1
print (final_message)

Here is what is going wrong: I have the word" hokie" inserted in beginning middle and end of each line. so first line begines with hokieThough. Then, when encrypted with (1,2,3,4,5). It should change to iqnmjUj. Instead, I am getting iqnmjui. Something is going wrong with my code. I had to keep loop around for capital and lowercase letters so my code looks like this now: http://imgur.com/a/IYKUQ

Do you know whats going on?

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