315 words /r/linux could use a facelift 323 words Ubuntu seems increasingly polarizing in the Linux community. Why? 521 words GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story 349 words New version of Firejail sandbox released after external security audit 321 words GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story 378 words r/linux censorship 339 words Why the open code of conduct isn’t for me? 408 words GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story 355 words r/linux censorship 315 words GitHub is undergoing a full-blown overhaul as execs and employees depart — and we have the full inside story 729 words The Free Software Foundation needs a quick $65,000 before end of month. Most of us are computer programmers and professionals that can spare $100.00 for the greater good of Free Software. 1,106 words An anonymous response to dangerous FOSS Codes of Conduct 381 words I finally found the desktop environment for me. 287 words GNOME supports the work of Software Freedom Conservancy 380 words Sarah Sharp - Metrics of Haters 647 words Solus 1.0 Released 758 words Solus 1.0 Released 404 words Wayland security or a tale of Jack and Jill 442 words Filesystem advice for LUKS encypted SSD and TRIM? 306 words It’s open source software that's eating the world - In the past five years, the number of dollars invested in OSS companies has increased by almost a factor of 10 compared to the previous five years.