Sarah Sharp - Metrics of Haters

In the sage and timeless words of William Shatner: Get a life!

38 people used a full name, accounting for 28% of the comments. That means approximately 1/3 were brave enough to put their real name behind their comments.

Brave enough? Fuckin' hell, flower child.

I can't tell if that's a bad attempt at farts-in-a-wineglass style virtue signalling or an even worse, if not criminal attempt to subtly shame those who would (rightly, IMO) prefer as much anonymity as they can still cling to in this day and age.

The question becomes, are these people actually a part of the open source community? Are they people who have actually interacted on an open source mailing list before?

Well, for one - who gives a fuck? The previous post that is the subject of this latest poor-me-fest weren't exactly a singing technical article.

I'd go so far as to say it cheapened the OSS ecosystem by using it as a cheap crutch to prop up personal and professional issues, grudges, and uncertainties that wouldn't merit the time to read on their own.

Heh, but that's just cute - you want my goddamn Social Security number the next time I participate as more than a spectator and file a bug report or whatnot?

Should see a couple of names I've used for perfectly legitimate, polite, professional interaction. None of them are the same. Anywhere. They're not even a pretense at being real. They don't need to be.

Maybe it won't be helpin' out my resume or geeky street cred - guess I won't get invited to parties now - but at least I won't ever have to worry about an irate tech-blogger and her minions trying to ruin my fuckin' life.

Not that they probably could - I'm pretty sure I'd win the Oppression Olympics soundly.

I've enough god-damned horse sense not to wear it all on my sleeve for the kangaroo court and peanut gallery that is the Internet and then get into a snit when they start throwing fuckin' rotten cabbage and booing.

Sorry, man - but I can't help but feel little more than derision and a strange hunger for popcorn. And cabbage.

(Disclaimer: I didn't post any replies on her echo chamber of horrors blog. Weren't worth the time.)

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